
Wetlands law to be tweaked again in Southold Town?

JENNIFER GUSTAVSON FILE PHOTO | The Southold Town Board at a meeting held earlier this year.

Southold Town is again tweaking its coastal erosion hazard and wetlands and shoreline codes in an attempt to designate who has the ability to enforce permits for building near the water.

A public hearing on the proposed changes is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 7:30 p.m.

The changes are being made, in part, “to regulate development activities in coastal areas subject to coastal flooding and erosion in order to prevent damage or destruction of natural protective features,” according to the proposed local law.

The changes explicitly give the town police department, bay constables and code enforcement officer the responsibility of enforcing the requirements of coastal erosion hazard permits, and gives the state DEC the authority to keep homeowners from damaging active nesting bird areas.

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