
Tips to test your mettle

If you come across some scrap metal like this follow these tips. (Credit: Cyndi Murray)
If you come across some scrap metal like this follow these tips. (Credit: Cyndi Murray)

If you’re interested in trying your hand at scrapping, here are five tips from Greenport scrapper Stephanie Horton to keep things going smoothly. 

Don’t take items without permission

Honing a network of people and businesses from which you can freely pick up scrap metal is essential. Whatever you do, never, ever steal metal, Ms. Horton says. Most of the recycling centers that offer cash for metal require identification.

Know how to maneuver your trailer

Being able to transport what you find means everything to a scrapper. While you won’t need a special license to drive with a trailer hooked up to your car, it’s important for you — and those around you — to be able to maneuver on main and side roads.

Have the right tools

Ms. Horton has a lot of tools in her arsenal that help her scrapping efforts go smoothly. Magnets, chains, hooks, ropes and ratchet straps are all musts.

“Make sure you have the right stuff,” she says. “Have the right straps or you might be going down the road and lose your whole trailer.”

Have a spare tire handy

Trailers, especially, take on a lot of wear and tear from hauling heavy objects. That often takes a toll on tires. Keep a spare on hand that fits your trailer — just in case.