
Southold to share business administrator with Greenport

The Southold and Greenport school districts are expected to enter into another shared-service agreement, this time it’s for a business administrator position.

David Gamberg, superintendent of both school districts, announced this week Southold and Greenport will have a one-year pilot program following Greenport business administrator Dianna Duell’s retirement this summer.

Chuck Scheid, Southold’s assistant superintendent for business, will oversee the business offices for both districts as a cost savings measure beginning next school year, Mr. Gamberg said, adding Mr. Scheid will travel back and forth between the two schools daily.

While Mr. Scheid’s responsibilities will be split between both districts, Greenport is expected to also hire another administrator who will report directly to Mr. Scheid and handle tasks when he’s not in Greenport, Mr. Gamberg said.

Through the new shared-service agreement, Mr. Gamberg said each district will save about $20,000 to $30,000.

This marks the fourth shared position created between the districts in recent years.

In addition to a superintendent and business administrator, the districts share a director of educational technology, and a plants and facilities administrator.

Mr. Gamberg described the lasted joint agreement as “the most ambitious degrees of shared administrative functions throughout Long Island, and even in New York.”

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