Coming Up
Original Voices at the Vail, Thursday, Aug. 19, 7-11 p.m. at Vail-Leavitt Music Hall, Riverhead. Hosted by Jessie Haynes, Gregg Gennari, Rayman Record Co. and Friends. Doors open and sign-up 7 p.m.; featured performance by Jay Scott 9 p.m., open mic before and after. Tickets, $5 at door. Black Box Mini Fest features acoustic performance by LiZa Coppola, free coffee and more.
Family Fun
Fish Tales, Wednesday, Aug. 18, 11 a.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Mattituck. Performance by Christopher Agostino combines spoken words and face painting; annual end of summer hot dog picnic follows, courtesy of Friends of MLL. Open to all. 298-4134.
Fifth annual East End Student Film Festival, Sunday, Aug. 15, 6-8 p.m. at Greenport Movie Theater. EESFP finalists films screened; grand prize $500 awarded. Tickets $10; students free. Post-screening party at Aldo’s immediately follows. Information: 477-1226,
Flicks at the Farm: Thursday Night Movies at Charnews Farm, Southold, at dusk, hosted by Peconic Land Trust. Thursday, Aug 19 feature is “Little Shop of Horrors.” Bring picnic supper and blanket or chair; reserve at 283-3195. Free; rain cancels.
Movie ‘An Education,’ Friday, Aug. 13, 1:30 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Mattituck. Coming-of-age story about British girl. Free; all welcome. 298-4134.
Food and Drink
The North Fork Bounty 2010 Eastern Long Island Hospital Gala, Saturday, Aug. 14, 3-8 p.m. at home of Luba and Louis Corso on Oregon Road in Cutchogue. Food prepared by North Fork’s “Top Chefs,” cocktails, raw bar, gourmet cuisine using fresh local produce, desserts by Blue Duck Bakery and Butta’ Cakes. Tickets $175; proceeds benefit Emergency Dept. at ELIH. Luxury raffle and auction prizes featuring fine jewelry and vacation opportunities. Raffle tickets $60 or 2/$100. 477-5164,
Appreciation Picnic, Sunday, Aug. 15, noon-2 p.m. at Indian Island County Park, Riverhead, hosted by Group for the East End for members, volunteers and friends. Lunch, games, raffle and more. Register: 765-6450, ext. 208, [email protected].
Fourth annual Seafood Fest to benefit CAST, Sunday, Aug. 22, 6 p.m. at the Wharf House at Founders Landing, Southold. Tickets $50, includes complete seafood dinner and complimentary glass of wine or beer. RSVP: 477-1717.
Greenport Standard Hose Company’s 33rd annual chicken barbecue, Saturday, Aug. 21, 4-7 p.m. at Third Street Firehouse #1. Take-out orders available. Tickets $20, available at firehouse or from any member. 477-1943.
For All Ages
Country Barn Dance at Charnews Farm, Southold, Saturday, Aug. 21, 7-11 p.m., hosted by Peconic Land Trust. Country, folk, contra, squares, waltz and circle dancing taught by Dick and Bess Haile of Long Island Traditional Music Association; no partners needed, singles welcome. Bring picnic supper. Adults $5; children free. Reservations required: 283-3195, [email protected].
For Bargain Hunters
Late Summer Sale, Saturday, Aug. 14, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at First Universalist Church, Southold. Loads of craft supplies, household items, jewelry, collectibles and more. Rain or shine. No early birds please. 765-3494.
Twenty-eighth annual Mattituck-Laurel Historical Society Antique Show, Saturday, Aug. 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in gymnasium at Mattituck High School. Admission $5. 298-0020.
Custom Jewelry Sale, Friday, Aug. 13, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. in Eastern Long Island Hospital conference room, Greenport. Sponsored by ELIH Auxiliary. 477-5196.
For Children
Art and Craft classes for ages 7-14, Pressed Flower Art, Thursday, Aug. 19, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Old Town Art and Crafts Guild, Main Road, Cutchogue. Fee $12; must be received prior to class. 734-6382.
Southold Mothers’ Club beach play date, Thursday, Aug. 19, 10:30 a.m. at Goose Creek Beach, Southold. Bring towels, umbrella, beach toys and sunblock. Southold Town permit required. [email protected].
Sea Stories and Crafts with Mira Dougherty-Johnson at East End Seaport Museum, Third Street at Ferry Dock, Greenport, Wednesday, Aug. 18 features Pirates. For tots ages 3-6, 11 a.m. and for ages 7-9, 1 p.m. Class fee $3; includes take-home craft. 477-2100, [email protected].
OHS Kids: Color Magic, Saturday, Aug. 14, 10 a.m.-noon for ages 7-12 at Oysterponds Historical Society, Village Lane, Orient. Discover how fabrics were colored in the past using organic vegetable dyes, tie-dye a T-shirt (bring white cotton T-shirt). Fee $2; parents welcome. Reservations recommended. 323-2480, [email protected].
For History Buffs
‘Chairs: Antique and Unique’ exhibit, Saturday-Monday, 1-4 p.m. 3 weekends only: Aug. 14-16, 21-23 and 28-30 at Cutchogue-New Suffolk Historical Council in Schoolhouse on Village Green, Cutchogue, in celebration of its 50th anniversary. 734-7122. Admission free. Lecture ‘Let’s Be Seated’ by Doug Constant, Saturday, Aug. 21, 11 a.m. at Cutchogue-New Suffolk Library, Cutchogue. Fee $5 includes refreshments. 734-7122.
The Arts in Southold Town presents country music superstar Rosanne Cash, Saturday, Aug. 21, 7:30 p.m. at Southold High School Auditorium. Open seating. Tickets $50; reserve at 734-6320. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Tickets (cash or check) available at Cecily’s Love Lane Gallery, Mattituck; Peconic Liquors, Cutchogue; Old Country Charm, Southold; JET’s Dream, Greenport; Barth’s Drug Store, Riverhead.
Summer Showcase Concert Series at Silversmith’s Corner, Southold, Wednesday, Aug. 18, 7:30 p.m. features The New York Exceptions. Bring seating. Rain location Southold United Methodist Church. Free; donations appreciated. All welcome. 765-3598.
Ninth annual Nightsong Summer Concert, Sunday, Aug. 15, 6:30 p.m. in Greenport’s Mitchell Park. Bring lawn chair or blanket for evening of music and laughs with singer/songwriters Bill Cooper and Bette Kron. All welcome.
‘Music: The Language of Love’ piano concert by Judith Alstadter, Friday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m. at Southold Free Library. Works by Chopin, Schumann, Lehar, Rodgers and Hart, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Cole Porter with commentary. Sponsored by Friends of SFL. 765-2077.
The Natural World
North Fork Audubon: Stormwater Runoff program and general meeting, Friday, Aug. 13, 7:30 p.m. at Red House Nature Center, Inlet Pond County Park, Greenport. With Jennifer Skilbred of Group for the East End. 917-623-5373, Tuesdays With Tom, Tuesday, Aug. 17, at Cedar Beach, Southold. Meet 8 a.m. at Red House Nature Center, Greenport. Look for shorebirds; dress for hot weather and sun. Fee $5. RSVP: 275-3202, [email protected]. Fourth annual Dragonfly Day for Families, Saturday, Aug. 14, 1-4 p.m. at Skipper Horton Wentworth Park, Greenport. Rain date Sunday, Aug. 15. Learn about dragonfly behavior, feeding habits and life cycle from specialist Annette DeGiovine-Oliveira. Activities include kite-flying, storytelling and art; refreshments and face painting available for purchase. Fee $5 or $20/family. Family fee includes 1 year NFAS membership. 917-623-5373.
The Sciences
An Interdisciplinary Celebration of the Perseids, Saturday, Aug. 14, 4-8 p.m. at Custer Institute and Observatory, Southold. Poetry readings, sculpture and film installations, performance and drawings celebrate Perseid meteor shower. Organized and curated by Sorine Anderson and Kari Adelaide of Columbia University. Suggested donation $10; members and full-time students $5. Perseid Meteor Shower Party follows 9 p.m.-midnight. Bring blanket or lawn chair. Suggested donation $5; children under 14 $3; members free. 765-2626.
What’s In The Water? summer science/nature study program for ages 13-15, Monday-Thursday, Aug. 16-19, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. hosted by North Fork Audubon at Inlet Pond County Park, Greenport. Use scientific methodology and laboratory-quality testing materials to explore freshwater pond habitat, set up experiments, analyze pollutants and more. Bring lunch, sunscreen, bug repellent, hat, pencils and camera. Fee $100 for 4 days. Register: 765-9227, [email protected].
Sports and Recreation
Second annual Bike What’s Left tour, Saturday, Aug. 14, hosted by North Fork Environmental Council. Two routes available: 10 a.m. 25-mile loop for advanced riders, with water stops at Horton Point Lighthouse and Cutchogue Fire Department, and 11 a.m. 10-mile loop for leisurely riders, with water stop at Cutchogue Fire Department. Both begin at Mattituck Train Station. All ages and levels welcome, including groups. Free hamburger and hot dog social follows at Mattituck Florist, Love Lane. Fee $10; members $5. Advance registratiion required: 298-8880, [email protected].
New Suffolk Waterfront 5K Run/Walk and 1K Kids Run, Saturday, Aug. 14, 9 a.m. at New Suffolk Avenue. Registration 7:30 a.m. Pre-race yoga session 8:15 a.m.; race begins 9 a.m. sharp, runs through narrow country roads and ends at waterfront. Awards ceremony 10:30 a.m. Bring family beach gear, kayak and picnic for day at beach. Information/registration:, 917-961-3014. Co-sponsored by Peconic Land Trust and New Suffolk Waterfront Fund. All proceeds benefit conservation of waterfront.
Hallock’s Bay Paddle and Barbecue, Friday, Aug. 20, 5-9 p.m. with Group for the East End. Search for wildlife from the water, sunset feast; bring drinks (must be transported in your kayak or canoe). Fee $25; under 12 $15. Single kayaks rented for $30, doubles $50. RSVP: 765-6450, [email protected].
The Who’s ‘Tommy,’ Friday and Saturday, Aug. 13 and14, 8 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 15, 2 p.m., presented by Management Productions at Vail-Leavitt Music Hall, Riverhead. Rock opera with music and lyrics by Pete Townshend is directed by Colin Palmer of Riverhead. In advance $8; at door $12. 745-0124.
‘Twelfth Night By Two,’ Saturday, Aug. 14, 8 p.m. at Poquatuck Hall, Orient. All 12 characters of Shakespeare’s play performed by Aleda Bliss and Rosa Palmeri, directed by Peter Gould. Tickets $15; children $5. [email protected].
Tours and Trips
East End Lighthouses Maritime History Cruise, Saturday, Aug 21, depart 3:30 p.m. aboard Peconic Star II from Greenport/LIRR Ferry Dock. Fee $95 all inclusive. Tour approximately 4-5 hours. Wear casual attire, boat shoes or sneakers; bring windbreaker or sweater for evening comfort. Pre-registration required: mail check payable to East End Lighthouses, Inc., P.O. Box 21, Greenport, NY 11944 and indicate date of cruise and number of participants. Credit card payment on website. 406-6180.
The Written Word
Mattituck-Laurel Library: Book discussion ‘Presumed Innocent’ by Scott Turow, Tuesday, Aug. 17, 4 p.m. with Bev Wowak. All welcome. Friends Book sale, Wednesday, Aug. 18, 3-6 p.m., lower level, Mattituck. Bargain prices. 298-4134.
This I Believe, Mondays, Aug. 16, 23, 4-5:30 p.m. at Peconic Landing, Greenport. Workshop led by Keith Wheelock for ages 55 and older. Listen to personal beliefs of others and explore your own. Register at Floyd Memorial Library or Peconic Landing. 477-0660.