Carol Taylor is back with three cents (after Ritchie Latham’s two cents) on the osprey that was hopping next to the puddle, talon imbedded in a fish’s back. Her feeling was that the fish was too heavy to hold onto and when it slipped from his grasp the fish hawk would have dived to retrieve it on any surface. Next?
East Marioneers Linda and Russ Goldsmith are still basking if the afterglow of daughter Tina’s (aka Christina) July 9 wedding to Kevin Quarty. Tina was the fourth generation to marry at Our Lady of Ostrabama in Cutchogue, after her mom; her grandmother, Stella Sledjeski; and Stella’s mom. Tina’s sister Cindy, her matron of honor, also wed husband Sal Acosta there. Her mom and her cousin Chris Franke sang and everyone’s favorite piano teacher (including Tina’s) Ann Welcome played the organ. Deacon Jeff Sykes performed the beautiful ceremony, which was followed by a fun celebration at the Pridwin on Shelter Island. The newlyweds then cruised off to Block Island for a few days and returned to start their married life in Southold. Congratulations all around and wishes for blessings on all.
Poquatuck Hall has always been a very special treasure to Oysterponds. It is an amazing asset that I hope is not taken for granted by our community. As of late the quality and variety of events there has really been stepped up. The hall was built in 1874 and one thing that hasn’t changed in most of the years since is the need for financial support. The next major project will be the floor. The board has been chewing on which course of action to take for close to two years now. Everyone has the best interest of the hall at heart. They have sought advice from many qualified consultants to decide whether to rip up existing floor and restore the original wood floor underneath, replace the floor because the wooden under floor is not restorable or cover the existing floor. Whatever is decided upon cannot be done until OCA raises substantial amounts of money. Please consider sending a donation for this worthy cause to Box 34, Orient, NY 11957 or call 323-2601 to arrange for a personal tour of the upcoming projects.
Another Oysterponds treasure is OHS. This past weekend in the Village House there was an exhibit of 20 clocks designed and fabricated by local artists and architects. The clocks will be auctioned at this Saturday’s Summer Benefit, for which you can still get a ticket. Call 323-2480 for more info.
Oysterponds extends sympathy to the family of Michael Campo, who lived a very challenged life and was taken from it last week at 20 years old. He touched the life of everyone he met in a very positive way.
George Clark was a very special man. I first met him more than a decade ago on his daily bicycle rides from East Marion to the ferry dock. I remember being amazed at his energy and tenacity, not to forget the twinkle in his eye. We hit it off and had a continuing friendship since. He wintered in Florida near me and would add so much to my yearly gatherings. We all extend our sympathy to his family on his recent death. To see what his daughter Gloria Murphy has written about touching events and neighborly kindnesses as her dad declined, go to suffolktimes.com and look under News for Letters to the Editor; it will be at the end.