Business Profiles

Peconic Asset Planning Inc.

Financial planner Gilbert Cardillo in his Riverhead office.

Owner: Gilbert A. Cardillo CFP

Year established: 2002

Location: 53 Lake Ave, Riverhead

Phone: 631-369-8877

Number of employees: 2

Gilbert A. Cardillo CFP, a former investment specialist with a predecessor of Bank of America, is a certified financial planner with 25 years’ experience.

The firm, which Mr. Cardillo founded eight years ago, specializes in retirement planning, investment management and small business pension plans.

“Our many loyal, longtime clients continue to enjoy Peconic Asset Planning’s high level of personalized service,” said Mr. Cardillo.

Peconic Asset Planning is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment as well. Visit their website at