
Mr. Roberts convenience store still awaits decisions on canopy, signage

Mr. Roberts convenience store in Greenport still faces hurdles to gain approval for a canopy over its newly installed gasoline pump isles and for signs out front.

Village Zoning Board of Appeals members responding to a Planning Board request for a village code interpretation determined that the advertising placed on a pole can include the Subway sandwich shop and any other products owner Ali Sahin chooses.

But the board limited the total advertising space to 30 square feet.

The existing signs are too large, as one is 4 x 8 feet while the second is 4 x 6 feet. That nearly double the space permitted, ZBA members said.

As for the canopy Mr. Sahin wants to erect over the gasoline pump isles, ZBA members shuttled the question back to the Planning Board. The ZBA dismissed an argument by Mr. Sahin’s representative, former Mayor Dave Kapell, that the store, which is on the northwest corner of Front and Third streets, has only one front yard, on Third Street. The board said that since the store is on a corner lot it has two front yards. Front yards are required to have a six-foot setback in the commercial district, according to the code.

The service isle itself is set back about 11 feet, but an overhanging canopy could potentially be nearer to the lot line, the ZBA decision said.

“The Planning Board will have to consider its physical and visual impact to the property borders and the village as a whole,” the decision stated.

If the Planning Board decides against the canopy, Mr. Sahin could seek direct relief by petitioning the ZBA for an exemption from the required setbacks.

The Planning Board will take up the application at its Dec. 2 meeting.

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