Mattituck-Laurel: school trip meeting, “Mulan Jr.” and a family game night

If you have an eighth-grader who plans to take this year’s trip to Washington, D.C., April 13-15, don’t forget to attend the parent/student information meeting in the high school cafeteria tonight, March 31, at 7 p.m. Everything you want to know about the trip will be discussed and room assignments will be given. If you can’t make this meeting, there will be another one Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. in the auditorium.
The Relay for Life team “A Dream is a Wish” wants to thank everyone who supported their efforts at this year’s Cut-A-Thon at Hair Experience. The team collected over $2,500 in five hours for the American Cancer Society. Special appreciation goes to Janet Anderson and her crew for making this day a success. It was nice to see so many high school students involved in such a noble cause.
Nothing makes you smile more than watching young kids perform on stage, and you’ll get to do just that this weekend when Cutchogue East’s fifth- and sixth-graders perform Disney’s “Mulan Jr.” Showtimes are 7 p.m. on Friday, April 1, and 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 2, and the cost of admission is $3. The students have worked for months preparing for this show, so come out and applaud their efforts.
Happy birthday wishes end one month and begin another this week for Eddie McDonald, Chris Kar and Megan Radigan today, March 31; Betsy Dickerson on April 2; Renee Lauriguet on the 3rd; Debbie Sidlauskas, Justin Underwood and Samantha De Mey on the 4th; Tabitha Wells, Connor Davis and Rebekah Smith on the 5th; and Kirsten Ianno, Chelsea Peragallo, Kelly Peragallo and Patty Young on the 6th.
Belated birthday wishes go to Fred Hansen, who cut his cake March 26.
The members of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) will host a free Family Game Night Thursday, April 28, at 7 p.m. in the Mattituck High School cafeteria. This is a way for the club to sponsor a free, fun activity for our school and help students unplug and get back to basics with friends and family. There will be a live Clue and a chance to play cards and board games. Everyone’s welcome!
If you drive past the school tomorrow morning and notice people dressed in unusual costumes, don’t fret. The junior high social studies classes will be experiencing an authentic Revolutionary War encampment. This all-day event, made possible by a generous donation from the PTSA, will show students what it took to survive during the Revolutionary War.
You can support the Greenport American Legion Building Fund by attending an old-fashioned variety show this Sunday, April 3,at 2 p.m. at the Greenport School auditorium. Tickets can be purchased at the door, $10 for adults and $5 for children with an adult.