
Greenport once again named Tree City USA

KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTO | Trees are beginning to pllom in Greenport, which was again named Tree City USA.

For the seventh consecutive year, Greenport has been named a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation, the National Association of State Foresters and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

The designation recognizes the village’s commitment to “urban forestry” based on adherence to four principles by recognizing that trees:

• Promote healthier communities by filtering the air and removing dust and other particles;
• Moderate the climate, conserving water and providing vital habitat for wildlife;
• Reduce the heat island effect caused by pavements and buildings; and
• Increase property values and reduce energy use while adding to the beauty of homes and neighborhoods.

Former mayor George Hubbard Sr. embraced the importance of trees to improve and beautify the village and is credited with arranging for the planting of many trees throughout the village. After his death, his son, Trustee George Hubbard Jr., has carried on the tradition in the village, serving as the Village Board’s liaison to the tree committee that oversees planting and replacement of diseased or dead trees.

“It’s an important thing,” Mr. Hubbard said. “It’s an effort that makes the whole village more beautiful.” He credits tree committee members, especially chairman John Quinlan, with doing the work to assure that village trees thrive. Last year, during a drought, committee members were out with buckets of water tending to new trees that had been planted in Greenport, Mr. Hubbard said.

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