
Photos: Send us your Sandy aftermath photos

The Suffolk Times will be publishing photos as Hurricane Sandy made its way through the North Fork. Check back frequently over the next few days and feel free to share your photos, too.

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TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Village Lane, Orient resident Walter Millis examines the damage at his home.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Narrow River Road in Orient was still flooded at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Orchard Street in Orient.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | King Street in Orient on Tuesday morning.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Slaves Cemetery, Narrow River Road, Orient on Tuesday morning around 9 a.m.
JULIE LANE PHOTO | Greenport flooded near Claudio’s before Hurricane Sandy struck Monday.
CORNELIA COVINO PHOTO | Goldsmiths inlet breached at Mill Lane in Peconic at noon Monday.
JANE RATSEY WILLIAMS PHOTO | This was given to the Townsend’s Sunday in East Marion.
JULIE LANE PHOTO | Orient Causeway was breached at 10 a.m Monday.
READER PHOTO | End of Smith Road in Peconic at 11 a.m. Monday.
JONATHAN BUCK PHOTO | The North Ferry dock in Greenport under water at 11:30 a.m. Monday.
JULIE LANE PHOTO | Fifth Street Park in Greenport flooded before Hurricane Sandy arrived Monday morning.
JULIE LANE PHOTO | Stirling Street in Greenport Monday morning.
JULIE LANE PHOTO | South side of Stirling Cove in Greenport.
JULIE LANE PHOTO | Rear parking lot by boat landing at Eastern Long Island Hospital.
MERRY RETUS PHOTO | Cross Sound Ferry at Orient Point Sunday afternoon.
TIM KELLY PHOTO | Daniel Petrie, owner of the Summer Girl in New Suffolk prepares for flooding.
TIM KELLY PHOTO | A few moments with the dog on the beach before the hurricane comes.
KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTO | Sandbags in front of Legends restaurant in New Suffolk.
KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTOS | Concrete barricades have been set up at Legends in New Suffolk.
KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTO | Onlookers inspect the scene as workers prepare a barricade from the inevitable very high tide at Legends in New Suffolk.
KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTO | The wind-torn flag at New Suffolk beach.
KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTO | High Tide nearly reached the road at New Suffolk beach.
KATHARINE SCHROEDER PHOTO | Handy Pantry in Mattituck, like many other local businesses, has been boarded up for the storm
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Main Road in Mattituck.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Main Road in Mattituck.
JENNIFER GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Businesses on Front Street in Greenport Village protecting their glass storefronts with plywood Sunday afternoon.
JENNIFER GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Businesses on Front Street in Greenport Village protecting their glass storefronts with plywood Sunday afternoon.
TIM KELLY PHOTO | In a scene repeated many times across the North Fork, a boat is hauled out of the water in New Suffolk in anticipation of the arrival of Hurricane Sandy.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Cakes & Confections on Front Street in Greenport.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Cakes & Confections on Front Street in Greenport.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Claudio's dock in Greenport Sunday afternoon.
TROY GUSTAVSON PHOTO | Claudio’s dock in Greenport Sunday afternoon.