One hurt in three-car crash on Main Road in Laurel

The driver of one of three-vehicles involved in a crash on Main Road in Laurel Friday afternoon was treated for what appeared to be non-life threatening injuries.
Main Road was closed in both directions for about an hour as police and the Mattituck Fire Department rescue squad responded to the crash, which occurred shortly before 2 p.m. The road has since reopened.
Witnesses said a Mercury Mountaineer heading west on Route 25 attempted to make a left turn into a driveway when it was rear-ended by a late-model Ford Taurus.
The impact apparently pushed the SUV into the eastbound lane, where it collided with a Volkswagen Passat.
The Passat’s driver, a young woman, appeared conscious and alert when she was being tended to by Mattituck firefighters, though it was not immediately known if she was hospitalized.
Jorge Perez, 20, who lives at the address where the SUV was headed, said his sister was driving the Mountaineer and was not hurt..
“This happened last year to my cousin. She was OK too. And my father was hit, same thing — rear ended, at the Laurel Post Office.
“People just don’t look where they’re going.”
The Ford’s driver, a man, also appeared to be uninjured after the crash.