Woman organizes coat drive out of her South Jamesport home

Angela DeVito’s bedroom overflowed with bags full of jackets, coats, sweaters, scarfs and gloves Saturday afternoon. DeVito hosted a Coats for the Community event at her South Jamesport home along with volunteers Nir Silva of Hampton Bays, Nine Keller and Virginia Lemmers, both of South Jamesport.
Ms. DeVito has been participating in the National Day of Service since in 2008 in Southold Town, but this was her first year hosting an event at her home.
“I think the response from the community has been tremendous,” Ms. DeVito said. “I’m very encouraged to know that so many people care about others who are less fortunate than them.”
The volunteers began sorting the items into piles for children, women and men so they can be delivered this week to First Baptist Church and Maureen’s Haven in Riverhead. Volunteer Nina Keller, 15, who was doing community service for St. Anthony’s High School, was touched by the event.
“This even has more meaning after Sandy because so many people are still being affected,” she said.