Oysterponds News: Bible study course at Orient Methodist Church

Starting next Friday, March 7, at noon and continuing for the next six Fridays, Orient United Methodist Church will host a Lenten Bible study course titled “The Sacraments: Approaching Full Communion,” delivered on CDs recorded by Thomas Scirghi, S.J., professor of theology at Fordham. All will be treated to a soup luncheon prepared by Bud Jackson. Geoff Proud hosts. Please call him at 323-3523 to register.
The Congregational church hosts the overflow from John’s Place at St. Agnes on Tuesday nights and serves breakfast Wednesday morning. The guests are not light eaters so OCC would be very grateful for donations of eggs, bacon, coffee, OJ, milk, soda, salsa, tortilla chips and Goya black or red beans and rice. For more info call 323-2665.
Congratulations to East Marioneer and Greenport High School senior Ryan Weingart (son of Holly and Bryan), who was chosen as Greenport Rotary’s Student of the Month. WTG, Ryan.
Speaking of East Marioneers, on Sunday night I was at Tony Roma’s in Jensen Beach and spotted Joe and Sue Cherepowich, who were leaving the bar heading to dinner. I chased them down to say hi and found out that they were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary (Feb. 23, 1969) that day. Congratulations, friends, and wishes for another 45!
Sue and Joe just missed the gaggle of North Forkers who descended on my Jensen Beach home last Tuesday. From the size of the group it appears that there is just a skeleton force taking care of business up there. Not to rub it in, but it has been beautiful in Florida recently. Of course, more many small worlds surfaced.
This past weekend Sarah participated in the Disney marathon three-day event and was tickled to see how many other folks she knew were also there among the 50,000-plus runners. Disney never does anything small.

So who has seen the snowy owl? Before I headed south I went on an unsuccessful quest, motoring multiple times around the state park and the sparse areas at the point without any luck. Many others are sharing that they, too, have been trying. So please let me know if you manage to spot this elusive feathered resident.
OHS has a new face behind the director’s desk who brings with her a very impressive résumé. Welcome to Clare Adams, a native of Suffolk County who has had a 25-year career in historic preservation. Trained as a landscape architect and architectural historian, she served as senior historic sites restoration coordinator for New York State, executive director of a statewide preservation nonprofit in Mississippi, director of preservation for Andrew Jackson’s presidential home in Tennessee and a museum and history planning consultant. She was a key contributor to the secretary of the interior’s 1995 revisions to standards for the treatment of historic properties. I’m confident you’ll give Clare the normal Oysterponds welcome to make her feel at home. (On a personal note, Clare, I’ll meet you when the leaves come back on the trees!)
With the biweekly column schedule I omitted mention of the passing of one of East Marion’s most colorful, larger-than-life residents. When I think of Joe Wyllie, I smile since I imagine that is what he would have wanted us all to do in his memory. I picture him leading a rousing chorus of “It’s a Grand Old Flag” or “God Bless America” at the pearly gates. We extend our sympathy to his bride, Helen, and Michael, David, Timothy, Mary Ellen and Christopher and their families. May he rest in peace and keep those Irish eyes twinkling.
As I recently pored over a voluminous pile of papers in my office, I happened upon a column from late January 1989 with a note from Troy welcoming me to The Suffolk Times. I had previously penned it as a fill-in for Nene Dorman and then became the regular that week. Where did those 25 years go? No wonder my mind has jumped into my mother’s body. Sure has been fun.
Contact Carol Gillooly at [email protected] or 631-323-3899