Southold News: ‘Big Business in a Small Town’ exhibit this month

I hope everyone is dry and safe by now. Phew! We dodged that one! Prayers and well wishes to those down south.
I have so many birthdays, I have to get right to it. Michael Kettenbeil, Tom Jerome and Julia Judge on Oct. 9; Karen Horne, Oct. 14; Rosalie Cavaluzzi, Oct. 16; Connie Sawicki, Oct. 17; Liam Walker, Donna Mosquera, Nancy Cuccaro and Jean Hale, Oct. 18; Landon Bennett, Jean Osmer and Tom McCarthy, Oct. 19; and Rob Kettenbeil, Cathy Campbell and Ajsia Martocchia, Oct. 21; and Michelle Feeley, Susan Connolly and Skylar Kaelin on Oct. 22.
In anniversary news, Tom and Joan Reese celebrated 63 years of “wedded bliss” (honest — Tom’s words) on Oct. 4. Ginny and Steve Bertschi celebrate Oct. 10, as do John McLane and Eileen McGuire, married 17 years.
Connie Sawicki had a wonderful visit from her daughter Lisa Sawicki Reinking, who now resides in Georgia. They spent the week visiting with family and friends, and made a stop at Foxwoods.
Jewell Gonzalez, longtime Southold Pharmacy employee and former Greenport teacher, will be moving to Savannah, Ga., “shortly.” I have that in quotes because she has encountered many delays in her departure. Friends and co-workers gave her a send-off party at Sophie’s this past weekend. She was roasted by manager Brian Walker, who did a medley of holiday songs with Jewell lyrics. It was both heartfelt and gut-wrenchingly hysterical. “The Queen,” as she is known, will be missed for her warm personality, her attire and her blessing of the lottery tickets. Thanks from all of us, Jewell; we love you and will miss you!
Cathy Campbell of Southold, a much loved teacher’s assistant, is the featured artist at Old Town Arts and Crafts Guild during October. An artist’s reception is set for Friday, Oct. 16, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the gallery on Main Road in Cutchogue.
Southold Presbyterian Women will hold their last barn sale of the year Saturday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m. to noon, rain or shine, at the historic barn on Wells Avenue, behind the Bank of America. Many items are priced to move and all proceeds are contributed to community and local nonprofit organizations.
Southold Historical Society presents “Big Business in a Small Town,” an exhibit of historic photographs of local businesses taken at the time the businesses opened and featuring the work of Charles Meredith and Frank K. Harley. The photos will be on view Thursday through Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m., from Oct. 17 through Nov. 27 at the Reichert Family Center’s Cosden-Price Gallery on Main Road. For more information, call 765-5500.
Come and meet those tapping feet and have fun as they dance to songs from your favorite Broadway shows, including “Hello Dolly,” “42nd Street” and more, on Sunday, Oct. 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Soundview Restaurant for the benefit of Birthright in Southold. Cost for a complete dinner, show and tip is $35. Contact Mary Pedersen at 765-9243 or 516-607-4504 to make reservations for a wonderful afternoon. Advance sales only.
The Southold School Educational Foundation is seeking volunteers to help develop an alumni database or to work on an annual fundraising planning committee. For more information, call 765-8191.
Do you clip Box Tops for Education and need a place to drop them off? Well, bring them along next time you go to Southold Free Library. The box tops help the Southold PTA fund items for the children.
My next deadline is Oct. 18 at noon, but feel free to send information early.
Smile at the people you pass. Say hello to a stranger. Call that friend you’ve been thinking about. Your day will be lighter and brighter for it.
Contact Southold columnist Tina Koslosky at [email protected] or 631-765-2774.