Southold News: Fire department breaks blood drive record

I’m usually an upbeat, smiling person, but I’ll start with a gripe. What is it about parking lots that makes people rude?
Someone recently parked next to me in a catty-corner fashion, making it difficult to exit my spot. When I called after the person to say I couldn’t get out, the response was, “I think you can.” No apologies. No concern for my car or the car in front of me that I’d have to maneuver around. Yes, I did get out, but with great effort. I make sure my passengers and I can get out of the car; same goes for those parked on either side. Come on, people, we’re here together, so let’s look out for each other! Parking lots will only get more crowded as the holiday season progresses. Be polite!
Happy birthday to Matt Garms, Nov. 19; Tyler Woohull, Nov. 20; Amy Bennett, Nov. 21; Sarina Kraehling, Nov. 23; Paul Kraehling, Nov. 24; Jennifer Jaklevic, who turns 18 on the 27th; Dominick Gionvaniello and Dylan Claussen on the 28th; Ashely O’Neil on the 29th; and Katie Heath, Dec. 3.
High school Students of the Month for October are Ashley Hilary, art; Julia Schade, business education; Dan Penney, physical education; Patrick Connolly, Spanish; Sabrina Basel, NJROTC; Alexi Saenz, ESL; Angela Bucci and Anthony Klavas, English; Ally Boyle, earth science; Jared Palumbo, Culinary Arts I; and Katherine Jarvis, band.
Middle school Students of the Month for October are Benjamin Ward, art and English; Julia Vincinanza, Spanish; Danielle Henry and Julia Mejsak, math; Nicole Gomez, family and consumer science; Tyler Woodhull, band; and Emily Newman, speech.
Thank you, Southold blood donors. You helped break a record last week when 141 pints were donated at the Southold Fire Department blood drive. Blood donations traditionally drop off during the holidays so consider making yours today. Call your local hospital or the New York Blood Center at 800-933-BLOOD.
Stop by the library and check out the displays on loan through December from the Southold Indian Museum, our local resource for Long Island archaeology and history. You can pick up a brochure about the museum in the library foyer.
The Music Boosters’ annual poinsettia sale is in progress. Choose white, burgundy, red or marble in two sizes: 4.5-inch for $6 and seven-inch for $17.50. Place your order through a music student or call the music department at 765-5400 no later than Nov. 20. Red fleece Music Booster scarves are also available for $15.
Imagine being away from home for the holidays. That is the reality for many servicemen and -women, so Claire Kennedy and Patty Hocker are collecting items to send to troops overseas: candy (preferably not chocolate), salty snacks in hard containers, playing cards, books and magazines, powdered drink mixes including coffee and tea, 100 percent cotton underwear and socks, lotions, over-the-counter pain remedies, energy bars and beef jerky. All items must be in their original packaging. Please, no home baked goods this year. You can also donate money to help cover shipping. Call Claire (631-255-7650) or Patty (631-769-5330) to arrange dropoff or get more information.
Get in the holiday mood at Southold Historical Society’s annual holiday fair Saturday, Dec. 5, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Peconic Lane recreation center. All proceeds from the fair will support repair of the Merganthaler linotype machine housed in the society’s Robert E. Long Print Shop. The fair will include a model train display from the Railroad Museum of Long Island, face painting and a photo op with Santa, baked goods and raffles. For more information, call 631-765-5500.
My next deadline is Sunday, Nov. 29. I want to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for you, the readers. Be safe in your travels and keep smiling!
Contact Southold columnist Tina Koslosky at [email protected] or 631-765-2774.