Catherine Mary Schlick

Catherine Mary Schlick of Greenport died Dec. 9, 2015 in Greenport. The former longtime Hicksville resident was 94.
She was the aunt of Joseph Schlick and loving cousin of her godson, William Ryan, Kathleen DiPierro, Peggy Dykes, Eileen Finter, Rosemary Ryan, Patricia Caporale and Dorothy Stengele.
The family received visitors Dec. 11 at DeFriest-Grattan Funeral Home in Mattituck. The Liturgy of Christian Burial followed at St. John the Baptist R.C. Church in Wading River. The Reverend John J. Barrett officiated. Interment was at the Cemetery of the Holy Rood in Westbury with prayers by Deacon Fred Finter.
This is a paid notice.