Make your voice heard at the Hashamomuck Cove public hearing

A public hearing to discuss a plan to reinforce beachfront properties at Hashamomuck Cove will be held Monday night at Southold Town Hall.
Town engineers and a representative for Congressman Lee Zeldin aren’t seeing eye-to-eye about parking requirements for the $17.7 million project proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Town engineer Michael Collins has said he believes the federal government requires on-site parking due to public access requirements, which he said could only be accomplished by demolishing a home.
However, communications director for Mr. Zeldin’s spokesperson Jennifer DiSiena described those those stipulations were “rumors” that are “100 percent incorrect.”
The proposal includes creating three berms along the roughly 1.6 miles of coves in the Hashamomuck area and to fill them in with about 160,000 cubic yards of sand.
In addition to attending the public hearing, residents can also submit public their comments to:
Judith Johnson, project biologist, New England District Corps of Engineers, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751
Or via email: [email protected]
The public comment period will be closed on Sept. 30.