Cutchogue news: Plenty of activity at Downs Farm Preserve
As days grow shorter and nights longer, Cutchogue becomes to naturalists what a candy store is to a child!
At Downs Farm Preserve, Group for the East End is offering a variety of family-friendly activities, including fall herb gardening Thursday, Oct. 5 at 5 p.m.; a nature-themed story time with craft and nature center exploration for ages 2-5 Tuesday, Oct. 11, 11 a.m. to noon. For details, email [email protected].
There’s also a guided moonlit hike through the preserve’s trails from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16. Learn about the hunter’s moon, unique animal adaptations and lunar legends, and listen for animal sounds along the way. Bring a flashlight/headlamp. Email [email protected] for reservations. Coming up later in the month are a family nature scavenger hunt and a program on renewable energy.
The local chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution reminds residents that it will accept their tattered American flags for proper disposal. You may also be able to get a new flag — or your very first flag to fly — through the organization. Email [email protected] or leave your name and number at 631-298-5988.
Sincere condolences to the Hubbard family on the passing of Herman Hubbard, who always had a smile and nod to greet every child and teacher at Mattituck School. He was a “treasure” who will be sorely missed.
A blessing of the animals is set for this Saturday, Oct. 8, at noon on the lawn at Our Lady of Good Counsel R.C. Church in Mattituck. Owners should bring lawn chairs and their own water. Treats, water and pooper-scoopers will be provided for the animals.
Community Action Southold Town will hold an open house at its new facility at 316 Front St. in Greenport from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16. The community is welcome.
A car wash will take place Friday, Oct. 7, from 2:15 to 5 p.m. in front of Mattituck High School. Donations will help offset the cost of a student trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands next spring.
Enjoy some family fun with WINGO this Friday, Oct. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Cutchogue East cafeteria.
The second annual Cutchogue Presbyterian Church Harvest Dinner and raffle is Friday, Oct. 28. There are two sittings and takeout will be available. Tickets $20. The raffle offers 31 fantastic prizes ranging from restaurant gift cards to a week-long stay at an exclusive Daytona condo during NASCAR race week. Call Dot C. at 631-734-7478 for tickets and more info.
North Fork Reform Synagogue invites you to Kol Nidre services Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m.; Yom Kippur services Wednesday, Oct. 12, with a children’s service at 10 a.m., an afternoon service at 3 p.m. and Yiskor and concluding service at 4:30. For more information visit
Contact Cutchogue-New Suffolk columnist Barbara Sheryll at [email protected] or 631-734-5242.