Vineyard View moves forward with site plan

Representatives from Vineyard View, the proposed 50-unit affordable housing development in Greenport, met with members of Southold Town Planning Board Monday afternoon to discuss comments from the preliminary hearing held on June 5.
The proposed project features seven buildings containing 14, one-bedroom, 22 two-bedroom and 14 three-bedroom apartments on a 17.2-acre site at 62600 County Road 48 in Greenport. A community center is proposed for the center of the property, with picnic tables and a playground.
The proposed construction is projected to take 14 to 18 months in one phase, in the Hamlet Density zoning district. Twenty-five units would be affordable to households earning up to 50 percent of the annual median income and the other 25 units will be for households earning up 60 percent of the annual median income.
A marked bike lane connecting the Village of Greenport to the development was recommended by the planning board, but details must be discussed further with the Department of Public Works.
During the June 5 hearing, Allen Handelman, vice president of Conifer Realty, LLC, which is heading the project, said that the units will remain affordable for 50 years, and after that they will be sold for a market rate.
The planning board was aware of concerns brought up from the community, including vehicle speed in the area, heavier traffic, the angle of driveways, along with the safety of the entrance and exit to the development. Many residents also brought up serious concerns about the 3.7 acres of sensitive wetlands in the area.
A visual analysis will be required by the board to determine how the development will impact the view, which can be as simple as a rendering of the proposed project, according to Mark Terry, assistant town planning director. Wildlife protection surveys were also recommended, along with the installation of a temporary turtle barrier to protect the eastern box turtles that inhabit the area.
The board also requested the applicants to provide a proposal for the percentage of units to be affordable in perpetuity. If required materials are received by July 6, a public hearing will be set for August 6.