Southold expects to receive $150K in funding to be used toward pandemic response

Community Development Block Grant funding allocated for Southold Town will help offset costs associated with the COVID-19 response for the town and even some local organizations.

Town government liaison Denis Noncarrow said Southold is anticipating $150,000 in funding through the CARES Act that can be put toward the pandemic response.

Mr. Noncarrow said the money can be spent using the same criteria that apply to CDBG grants for facilities improvements, services and outside organizations. He said town departments such as the senior center may be eligible for funding under the grant program. 

“[Director Karen McLaughlin] has had a lot of increased expenses at the human resource center,” he said, citing an increase in meal distribution to seniors amid the pandemic.

Other organizations, such as Community Action Southold Town and Maureen’s Haven, have also ramped up their services during the health crisis and may also qualify for funding.

Money may also be directed from the block grant program to provide rental assistance, Mr. Noncarrow added.

A public hearing will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 30, to hear residents’ views on local housing and other community needs related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The hearing will likely take place virtually via Zoom.