Anne M. Aicher

Anne M. Aicher of Southold went to her Lord Jan. 25, 2025. She was 94 years old. She is survived by her husband of 69 years and five children.
Anne was born July 4, 1930, and has been a true firecracker. She was the oldest of four children in her family, and her mother was widowed when Anne was a child, resulting in Anne’s going for a job interview the day following her graduation from Dominican Commercial High School in Jamaica. She had won a scholarship to St. John’s University, and hoped to use it to attend night classes while working during the day to help her mother with expenses. She put her hands together and silently prayed, “God, please get me a job here,” as she walked among the magnificent buildings in midtown Manhattan. She got the job — a good one as a secretary. The heavy workload required her to stop night classes at St. John’s after two years.
A few years later, in September 1951, her boss invited her to his home to meet his nephew, Jack Aicher. That meeting resulted in their eventual wedding in June 1956.
After attending the fifth college graduation of her children, Anne returned to college herself, graduated from Molloy University with a magna cum laude degree and won the gold medal for excellence in English literature. She became a sought-after copy editor, a perfectionist in the language.
Anne was a devoted Roman Catholic and volunteered to help the church in many ventures, including Sunday bulletins. She was especially helpful to the Tribunals of the Dioceses of Rockville Centre and Burlington, Vt. She was thanked profusely by those she assisted.
Anne is survived by her husband, Jack; her daughters, Elizabeth Laliberty (William) of Haverhill, Mass., Patricia Aicher (Steve) of Montclair, N.J., Eileen De Sousa (Rique) of Old Bridge, N.J. and Anne R. Aicher of Ridgefield, Conn; her son, John Jr., (Stacey) of Rockville Centre; her nine grandchildren; and a great grandson. The family is grateful to East End Hospice, who assisted Anne in her final illness.
Her family will welcome visitors Thursday, Jan. 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. at DeFriest-Grattan Funeral Home, in Southold. The Liturgy of Christian Burial will be celebrated Friday, Jan. 31, at 10 a.m. at Saint Patrick’s R.C. Church in Southold, officiated by Father Abraham Thannickal. The Rite of Committal will follow at St. Patrick’s R.C. Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to East End Hospice. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
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