01.16.2016 Letters Featured Letter: We have a right to choose which immigrants to accept To the editor: Diana Gordon’s Guest Spot gave us a summary of an activists’ conference on immigrant integration and a few suggestions for local action.
03.13.2015 Letters Featured Letter: Comparing teachers to physicians is a flawed analogy To the editor: In last week’s “The flaws with scores, evaluations” opinion piece, Southold and Greenport Superintendent David Gamberg uses a false analogy (a parody?) to argue against objective...
05.08.2014 Letters Featured Letter: By observing carefully, we learn To the editor: Southold School District Superintendent David Gamberg has been an outspoken critic of the Common Core Learning Standards implementation and its testing requirements. So his expressed desire...
03.13.2014 Letters Featured Letter: Legal system is failing To the editor: The Feb. 10 Suffolk Times reported that police arrested a Peconic man whose license had been suspended 29 times previously, and now accused him of again...
03.15.2012 Columns Equal Time: Time for our schools to start keeping score Judging is an art and judging is part experience and part knowledge. Judging may express preference or prejudice, but judge we must. Is this fruit ripe? Did I get...
03.02.2011 Opinion Equal Time: No need for animal shelter rancor We watched the Feb. 15 Town Board meeting, again and again. Unbelievable! Neighbors, including Town Board members, tried to discuss the required competition to seek an operator for the...