08.30.2021 Government Census results show large gains in population on East End The East End accounted for the largest percentage gains in population in Suffolk County in the last 10 years, with towns on the South Fork seeing the greatest increases,...
07.01.2020 Government Southold Town ranks near bottom in response rate for 2020 census Most of Southold Town ranks near the bottom for Suffolk County when it comes to responding to the 2020 census. Areas like East Marion and Orient have response rates...
01.17.2019 Government Federal judge blocks citizenship question from 2020 Census A federal judge in New York has blocked the Trump administration from inquiring about citizenship on the 2020 Census.
04.05.2018 News Ripple effects of the 2020 census change A recent announcement that the 2020 census will include a question about citizenship sparked new fears among the immigrant population on the East End and raised the possibility of...