03.19.2017 Community By the Book: April’s coming, so let the foolishness begin April Fool’s Day is two weeks away so I’m making a case for foolishness. I’m citing droll writings from the distant past, things our grandparents chuckled at, maybe even...
02.21.2016 Community Columns By the Book: A presidential race that we can enjoy February is the month of presidents’ birthdays — two of our greatest, Washington and Lincoln. I remember a cartoon in Esquire many years ago, Lincoln and Washington in a...
11.23.2014 Community By the Book: Does the page count? It’s said that you can’t judge books by their covers, and you certainly can’t judge them by the four-color, over-the-top advertisements in various Sunday papers. Also, I’ve stopped paying...
10.19.2014 Community By the Book: Some good old words that deserve new life There aren’t many books you can buy in three different weights — the 100-pound version, the 30-pounder or the three-pound bantam weight — but the Oxford English Dictionary would...
08.23.2014 Community By the Book: Good reading is all about the writing I’d forgotten the name of a character in a book and went to Wikipedia. I found what I wanted, but was struck by how easy it is to find...
04.21.2012 Community By the Book: Novel ways to enjoy communal books April may well be the cruelest month: Fighting season begins again as the mountain passes thaw in Afghanistan, tornadoes rampage throughout the Midwest, taxes must be paid and we...
08.26.2011 News By the Book: Larsson’s take on Strauss-Kahn case? Men. Women. Power. Money. Sex. Truth. These are the final winding down days of the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the alleged rape of an African hotel maid, and...
08.14.2011 News By the Book: Writing that was out of the ballpark I was reading about a recent Yankee game and came across this: “ … a triple that was misplayed by centerfielder Nyjer Morgan. Morgan sprinted toward the warning track...
07.18.2011 News By the Book: The top 10 book survey says… The results are in. Thanks to everyone who took the time to pin down their favorite books. Some of you named 10, many noted three, a few came up...
07.06.2011 News By the Book: Some savory reads for the summer I finally have an acceptable reason to dislike Philip Roth. I read “Portnoy’s Complaint” when I was a kid, because we all did, snickering at the “dirty” parts. There...