11.26.2015 Editorials Editorial: Studying football safety is the right call for our kids Football, by its very nature, is a physical game. And in recent years, the long-term effects repeated hits to the head can have on a player’s well-being have come...
12.29.2014 Letters Featured Letter: Soccer players should wear helmets To the editor: I would like to recommend that school districts look into getting helmets, like bike riders have, to protect soccer players. There are a lot of soccer...
10.19.2014 Columns Parpan Column: The importance of a family discussion on football At 6-foot-4 and the Arby’s side of 300 pounds, I get asked a lot about my past life as a football player. The truth is, I didn’t play much...
10.10.2014 Editorials Editorial: After tragedy, searching for answers When tragedy strikes, it’s only natural to wonder what, if anything, could have been done to prevent it. When a life is lost on the athletic fields at far...
09.15.2013 Health Concussion advice for coaches and parents of young athletes In March, the American Academy of Neurology updated its “return-to-play” guidelines for young athletes — the procedures coaches and athletic trainers use to decide whether a child who has...