07.23.2014 Community Despite outcry, historic Greenport mailbox is taken down Greenport business owners and residents wrote letters and called the U.S. Postal Service, demanding that the historic, deep blue cast-iron mailbox bolted to the cement pole in front of...
06.20.2014 Columns Column: What if we all mailed a letter today? I have a friend who loves to write letters. Several years ago, he was in the habit of sending me one every day. I wrote him back once. My...
06.12.2014 News Post Office plans to replace antique mailbox in Greenport The mailbox is bolted to a cement pole in front of Claudio’s restaurant in Greenport, its blue paint partially chipped away. Near the rusty keyhole locking letters inside the...
02.06.2013 News Postal Service decides to end Saturday delivery The U.S. Postal Service will no longer deliver mail on Saturday’s, federal officials announced Wednesday. Package delivery will continue on a six-day cycle and post offices regularly open on...