
$170K schoolhouse renovations complete

The Little Red Schoolhouse is now the site of many community based events. (Jennifer Gustavson file photo)
The Little Red Schoolhouse is now the site of many community based events. (Credit: Jennifer Gustavson, file)

After nearly five years, the Little Red Schoolhouse renovation project has been competed.

The restoration project, which was funded in part by a state grant, came in $8,000 under the original budget of $170,000, according to the Greenport Village Board.

“I’m proud of that,” Trustee Mary Bess Phillips said. “It is a good accomplishment.”

The historic structure, commonly referred to as the “Little Red Schoolhouse,” was built in 1818 and is located on Front Street in Greenport Village. The former kindergarten classroom now serves as a meeting spot for various village committees, the business improvement district and other community based educational workshops.

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