Southold news: A busy time at the library
Welcome to 2017. I hope you had a wonderful holiday filled with memories and stories.
Birthday wishes abound! Belated wishes to Kenji Fujita on Jan. 17. Happy birthday to Lucas Stinnett, turning 10 on Jan. 19; Beth Wineburger, Terry O’Conner and Adam Kaelin (who turns 20 x 2), Jan. 21; Kate Mullen gets birthday wishes from Mom, Kristen and Marie on Jan. 23; Julia Jaklevic turns 14 on the 24th; happy birthday to Kelly Hunstein, Jan 28; and Will Tondo, Doreen McFarland and Sarah Boutcher, Jan. 29; as well as Cole Becker and Chris Klipstein, Jan. 30; and Jocelyn Kaelin, who turns 11 on Feb. 1.
Happy anniversary to Angela and Tony Tondo, who celebrate 23 years of marriage Jan. 22.
Wishing a quick recovery to Carol Scott, who recently underwent hip replacement surgery. She also has a birthday coming up Jan. 23. Get well soon, Carol, and have a wonderful birthday!
Lucas Johnson starts school next week at the Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education in Piney Point, Md. The Giovanniello-Becker home is so proud of you, Lucas. Good luck!
The year’s first blood drive is Jan. 25 from 2:15 to 8 p.m. at the Southold firehouse. Complimentary spaghetti dinner and homemade pie for all who donate after 5 p.m. All blood types needed!
Lots of news from Southold Free Library. Passes for the following attractions are now available thanks to grant money from state Sen. Ken LaValle: Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Children’s Museum of the East End, Guggenheim Museum, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, Vanderbilt Mansion, Planetarium and Museum. You need a Southold library card to borrow any of the passes.
The latest addition to the many conveniences the library offers is a “take a coupon, leave a coupon” receptacle located across from the circulation desk. Preschool Storytime with Miss Dana for ages 30 months to 4 years is being offered Mondays, 1:30-2 p.m., from Jan. 23-March 27. There will be a story, plus early literacy activities focusing on interactive arts and crafts, science and games! To register, call 631-765-2077.
Calling all poetry lovers! Compose and submit a poem for the library’s poetry gallery. Email your submission to Vivian Eyre at [email protected] or drop it off at Circulation. This is Vivian’s 6th year as our poetry volunteer and poetry gallery coordinator. A public reception is planned for April 15. Poems must be submitted by March 1.
The Friends’ current raffle prize, on display at the desk, is a pearl/sterling silver necklace and matching earrings. Chances are $1 each and the drawing is Feb. 11.
December Students of the Month at Southold High School are Daisy Rymer, SOHO TV; Alexandra Cardi, Spanish; Gage Bennett, Virtual Enterprise; Katherine Tasca, English 10; Cadet of the Month, Seaman Kenny Latham; Eder Lopez, ESL; Anna Yao Reilly, Earth Science; and Shane Kollen, Random Act of Kindness.
Middle school Students of the Month are Lane Dominy, art; Cole Hilary, Spanish; Reese Thompson and Harry Bifulco, physical education; Jonathan Lopez and Tamara Vidal, math; Nick Diaz, science; and Matthew Mullen, Random Act of Kindness.
As we all go about our normal days, a very brave woman is very sick in the hospital. You may have read about Claire Kennedy’s bacterial meningitis infection. She’s half of the duo that selflessly collected supplies for our deployed soldiers for the holidays. Keep Claire in your prayers and good thoughts. A GoFundMe page has also been set up to support the family at this very difficult time.
My next deadline is Sunday, Jan. 29, by noon, please.
Contact Southold columnist Tina Koslosky at [email protected] or 631-765-2774.