
Updated: Former town trustee and former town supervisor issued warnings for hunting ducks out of season

Town police and a state Department of Conservation officer responded on Tuesday to a report that two men were hunting ducks in Hallocks Bay in Orient two days after the end of duck season, according to a Southold Town police report.

Two town bay constables responded by boat and a DEC officer by land, where the two men were stopped. The report said John Bredemeyer, 71, who retired as a town trustee in the fall of 2021, and Scott Harris, 72, who served as town supervisor from 1990 to 1993, were issued warnings for hunting waterfowl out of season. Three ducks were confiscated by the DEC officer.

In an interview, Mr. Bredemeyer said, “We went out hunting when we shouldn’t have. It was completely inadvertent. The duck season ended on Sunday, the 27th, and we went two days later, on Tuesday. I misread the dates.”

Mr. Bredemeyer and Mr. Harris were issued warnings by the DEC officer, according to an updated Southold Town police department release.

Mr. Harris was unavailable for comment. A DEC spokeswoman confirmed that warnings were issued, along with some educational materials for duck hunting.