Letters to the Editor: These tax abatements are massive
She is a treasure
I read with thrill and excitement the news published in The Suffolk Times of Nov. 23, 2023, under the catchy caption “Greenport music teacher wins grant” flashing the story of Ms. Erika Cabral with her beautiful picture reflecting her charming and loving personality.
The award was bestowed upon her from the Creative Spirit Fund — a collaboration between Free People and Americans for the Arts founded in 1960. The nation’s leading nonprofit organization advancing the arts and arts education. She was chosen from among more than 500 nominees.
Ms. Cabral is an asset for the Greenport School faculty in general and particular for those students who are enthusiastic to take their careers in music, art and culture.
It’s heartening to know that she will spend the winning prize money to support school’s art programs, in musical instruments, updating the auditorium, creating a practice area and much more, which will give the students more exposure in the music world.
It’s worth mentioning Anabelle Odell since she nominated Erika Cabral’s name — she paid a rich tribute to her accomplishment by stating “Treasure of the small maritime community.” Of course, it’s a great sign that we are a strong Greenport community who is standing shoulder to shoulder. It’s a moment of pride for Greenport and its residents. God bless our community and God bless America.
Hina Muddassir
Why I’m running
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Pat Kelly and I am running for Cutchogue New Suffolk Park Commissioner. I am committed to being engaged and transparent in the management and maintenance of the parks.
I have been a Cutchogue homeowner for 23 years and over time I have seen a decline in the parks and condition of the park playgrounds. This decline includes decreased accessibility, specifically at Allison Park, maintenance of the facilities and the removal of playground equipment.
The parks belong to the homeowners of Cutchogue and New Suffolk and should provide a place for family activity, beach access, relaxation and respite for everyone, young and old. Over the last several years, I believe the leadership of the park district has lost sight of the purpose of the parks.
If you compare the Cutchogue parks to the other parks within Southold Town, it is obvious the current commissioners are not interested in maintaining a clean, safe and accessible park space for the residents of Cutchogue and New Suffolk. Although there have been some improvements at Causeway Beach this past season it was only at the insistence of the local homeowners. There are many more opportunities to improve our park district by making it safe and open to all.
As a retired nurse administrator with over 20 years’ experience in leadership and project management I have the skills and experience to restore our park beaches and playgrounds to a place we all can be proud of. I am asking for your support by voting for me on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library from 5 to 9 p.m.
Patrice Kelly
Marathon, Fla.
Thank you for your service on this
I wish to thank the Townsend family and the Oysterponds Historical Society’s responses to my letter to The Suffolk Times concerning Captain Underhill, the OHS Indian skeleton and Ms. Folk’s finding/redefining our history. I now know what happened to my Indian friend. I was 15 years old performing an electrical repair to the spotlight on the ceiling above a glass case at the Oysterponds Museum. The case housed a small model replica of a wigwam in the Indian Room. There were many other original Indigenous artifacts (fish points, an atlatl, basketry, etc.), too. All I had to do was tighten one small screw at the edge of the electrical fixture. I stood on a small step ladder. I turned the screwdriver slowly. FLASH! BANG! I fell.
Frightened. Jolted. I was on the floor stunned not hurt. Surprised, I looked up. My Indian friend (a skeleton) in the glass case looked eye-to-eye (or eye-socket-to-eye) with me. We understood each other. Or at least I perceived we had a connection. On my letter’s other points: 1) Gov. Hochul again has vetoed legislation restoring recognition of the Montaukett. The Law of 1910 remains as a result. You should read the legal case. (New York State Supreme Court, Pharaoh v. Benson). I have read it. I wonder what the governor’s professors from law school think of it. Next, 2) at first having excommunicated Captain Underhill, I am pleased of his redemption and reinstatement by the Massachusetts Bay Colony later in life. Captain Underhill: Thank you for your service.
I am pleased to hear OHS is committed to the letter of and spirit of the law related to Indian artifacts. To be sure, compliance is a difficult, necessary and continuing task.
Eric Bredemeyer
She has my support
I am writing this letter to endorse Pat Kelly for Cutchogue New Suffolk Park Commissioner. As a serving commissioner, I see in her the qualities we need. She is intelligent, competent, hardworking and dynamic. With her support we will be able to return Dave Allison Park to its traditional usage and together we will reopen the park to everyone!
Carl Vail
These tax abatements are massive
The developers of the Enclaves hotel project have applied for financial assistance from the Suffolk County Industrial Development Agency for abatements of sales taxes, property taxes and mortgage taxes. If granted, the tax exemptions would result in foregone tax revenue for the Town of Southold of approximately $120,000 in the first year alone, with a total of approximately $276,000 in foregone tax revenue over the course of the 15 requested years of tax abatements.
These figures do not include over $430,000 in foregone revenue to the Southold School District. “Such expenses can have substantial impacts on Southold Town,” according to Supervisor Russell. Combined, Suffolk County and New York State will forego over $1.7 million in sales taxes on purchases associated with project construction.
There will be a public hearing about the Enclaves request for tax abatements on Monday, Dec. 11, at 4 p.m. at Town Hall. I encourage all residents of Southold Town to attend, ask questions and share their views about this request for tax abatements.
The Southold Peconic Civic Association will host an informational meeting about the tax abatement application in advance of the public hearing on Saturday, Dec. 9, at 10 a.m. at the Community Center in Peconic. Let’s ensure that all our voices are heard!
Katy Stokes
Ms. Stokes writes the Southold-Peconic Neighborhood News column for The Suffolk Times.