12.16.2011 Community Focus on Nature: Squeaky’s Christmas adventure, part 2 Last week Squeaky was surprised in his quiet little nest by some boys picking up wood for the family stove. The last we saw of Squeaky, he was enjoying...
12.13.2011 Community Focus on Nature: Squeaky’s Christmas adventure, part 1 Focus on Nature has written Christmas stories for the young and young at heart since 1985. This year I thought it would be fun to bring that very first...
11.16.2011 Community Focus on Nature: Welcoming the elusive wild turkey I’m sitting here in front of the big picture window looking out at the bird feeders. I’m looking for an unusual visitor who has been stopping by for the...
11.02.2011 News Focus on Nature: (Almost) around the world in 80 months These past few weeks we have reviewed our travels together in many parts of the world. This week finishes up those travels and next week we will return to...
10.05.2011 News Focus on Nature: More on our journey with ‘Focus’ Let’s pick up where we left off last time after traveling around our country and continue with the writings and travels of Focus on Nature. When we were married...
09.20.2011 News Focus on Nature: Looking back through the years Looking through some old files we came across notes written in 1996 about the beginning of Focus on Nature. These notes never saw the light of day; they were...
09.07.2011 News Focus on Nature: 1938? That was one heckuva hurricane The recent visit from Hurricane Irene reminded me of the giant of all hurricanes, the now famous ’38 hurricane. I’ve told this story before, but it’s worth repeating. When...
08.09.2011 News Focus on Nature: Seeing eye to eye with a black snake We were surprised the other night when Lou called from Southold to say he had found a four-foot black snake badly tangled in some plastic deer fencing he had...
07.26.2011 News Focus on Nature: Nature takes the summer heat in stride The heat that hit us over the past few weeks kept us indoors, out of the sweltering 80 and 90 degree weather. If it wasn’t the temperature that knocked...
07.14.2011 News Focus on Nature: From day lilies to orioles When driving along our highways during the past month, have you noticed the clumps of tall orange flowers growing along the roadside? This introduced perennial plant that primarily originated...