
Recap: Town Board coastal erosion hearing

Southold’s town board will begin this morning’s work session in executive session to discuss labor issues, including negotiations with the town’s CSEA and PBA unions. The town’s CSEA contract expired at the end of 2012, while the town reached a partial agreement for 2010 and 2011 with the PBA last April but has not yet reached an agreement for 2012.

The board is expected to enter its public work session at 11 a.m. We will be blogging live at that time. On this morning’s agenda are a discussion of the water resources chapter of the town’s comprehensive plan update, as well as a reconsideration of a first-time homebuyer exemption from the Community Preservation Fund real estate transfer tax.

Also up for discussion is a proposal to zone Plum Island. The town is currently working on a local law to zone the island for a research laboratory and a wildlife preserve.

This evening’s regular meeting will be at 7:30 p.m.