Real Estate Transfers: July 13, 2023
Listings prepared for Times Review Media Group by Suffolk Vision Inc., May 26, 2023.
- Donna Viverito to Dennis & Carmel Anderson, 70 Golden Spruce Drive (600-80.01-1-56) (R) $565,000
- Rimor Development LLC to Joseph & Anne Tumbarello, 45 Harvest Pointe Lane (1000-102.01-2-49) (R) $990,000
- Rimor Development LLC to Lisa Valentine & Robert Cammarata, 23 Farmstead Court (1000-102.01-2-22) (R) $793,106
- John P Kujawski & Sons Inc to RD Pilesgrove LLC, Herricks Lane (600-22-2-13.019) (V) $3,500,000
- John P Kujawski & Sons Inc to RD Pilesgrove LLC, Herricks Lane (600-22-2-13.018) (V) $1,500,000
- Thomas & Ashley Puglia to 20 Bay Run LLC, 20 Bay Run (600-9-1-9.002) (R) $850,000
- Paramount Development Group Inc to David & Kim Okula, 48 Tyler Drive (600-64-1-6.023) (R) $730,000
- Richard Okula Family Trust to Suleyma Arriaza, 1093 Ostrander Avenue (600-104-1-43) (R) $440,000
- Thomas Underwood to James & Elizabeth Sliger, 15 Shorewood Road (700-23-2-47) (R) $1,975,000
- Estate of James Polychron to Eric Kraus, 20 Manhanset Road (700-8-2-36) (R) $750,000
- Estate of Kathleen O’Neill to Lawrence O’Neill, 54 South Menantic Road (700-22-2-30) (R) $600,000
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- Dylan G Levy to Brian Kaplan & Jennifer Burns, 750 Highwood Road (1000-78-9-47) (R) $1,300,000
- Bernard & Mary Kiernan to Thomas & Christine Spana, 345 Northfield Lane (1000-71-1-23) (R) $935,000
- Benali LLC to Lighthouse Center Properties LLC, 43375 County Road 48 (1000-59-3-29) (C) $750,000
- Walter Pharr to Monica Kelley, 360 South Harbor Road (1000-75-3-7) (R) $665,000
- Charles Lauer & Jennifer Beattie to Christina Cabral & Joseph DeVito, 895 Greenfields Lane (1000-63-1-31) (R) $660,000
(Key: Tax map numbers = District-Section-Block-Lot; (A) = agriculture; (R) = residential; (V) = vacant property; (C) = commercial; (R&E) = recreation & entertainment; (CS) = community services; (I) = industrial; (PS) = public service; (P) = park land; as determined from assessed values in the current tax rolls.)