Turtles wash up on South Harbor Beach
Local environmental groups and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation received reports of turtles that washed up dead on South Harbor Beach Sunday morning.
The seven turtles spotted across the sandy shoreline between Richmond and Corey Creeks were identified as female diamondback terrapins.
Tess Fields, up from Washington D.C. to visit her family, said her cousin spotted a turtle washed up on the beach. She was one of the first residents to survey the scene and notify local environmental organizations.
“I recognized them as diamondback terrapins, we’ve seen them alive in the bay before,” Ms. Fields said. “It’s very sad, I’ve never seen anything like this before.
“One was on [her] back, all the other ones were on their stomachs,” she continued. “They didn’t seem to have any sign of damage or anything but clearly had been dead for awhile.”
She emailed the Cornell Cooperative Extension and called the New York Marine Rescue Center, which notified Turtle Rescue of the Hamptons. A volunteer with the Jamesport-based not-for-profit that rehabilitates turtles and a representative from the DEC then arrived on the scene.
Karen Testa, the executive director of Turtle Rescue of the Hamptons, said the turtles were likely caught in a crab trap, could not come up for air and drowned, which would explain their bloated appearance.
“This time of year, females are very hungry because they just came out of hibernation and they’re laying their eggs,” she said. “I’m sure they found a nice loaded crab [trap] and went over and [seven] of them went in and they couldn’t get out.”
Ms. Testa said her not-for-profit encounters an event such as Sunday’s about once a year. She suspects that these crab traps are not properly equipped with a DEC-required Terrapin Excluder Device, which narrows the traps’ openings to prevent most turtles from entering. State regulations require that TEDs measuring 4 ¾” by 1 ¾” be installed on all funnel entrances of non-collapsible crab pots set in creeks, coves, rivers, tributaries and near-shore harbors of the marine and coastal district, according to the DEC website.
Six of the deceased turtles are still on the beach, while the seventh is assumed to have washed back into the bay.
Sunday’s scene has concerned locals, who have enjoyed seeing the shelled creatures on the beach.
“We actually got to see a baby hatch last year on the beach, which we had never seen before,” Ms. Fields said. “So we know that they nest in our beach, or at least have once before. We saw this little baby coming up from the dunes down to the water and we got to watch him swim away which was really cool.”
Diamondback terrapins are the only species native to the U.S. that live exclusively in brackish, saltwater marshes and bays, according to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science website. They are not classified as sea turtles, but their populations are also under stress, with crab traps and boat strikes considered primary threats.
Ms. Testa recommends that anyone with crab traps that do not have a TED installed contact Turtle Rescue of the Hamptons at [email protected] to receive one for free to help prevent more diamondback terrapins from drowning.