Voters say yes to Floyd Memorial Library budget
Voters said yes this week to the Floyd Memorial Library’s 2013 budget of $955,457, which is $808 higher than the current spending plan.
The vote Tuesday was 173 to 30. Since the library covers two separate school districts, Greenport and Oysterponds, separate ballots were required in each. Even so, the budget proposition still passed easily.
In Greenport the vote was 122 yes to 50 no, while in Oysterponds the results were 50 to 10.
The budget includes $924,798 to be raised from taxes, and an additional $30,659 from other sources, such as fees, gifts, interest and the library fund balance.
The tax increase is less than $1 per $1,000of assessed value, which for an average homeowner comes to an increase of less than $6 a year, according to the library.