
Sean Hardin Elwood

Sean Hardin Elwood died peacefully at home with family in Jamesport on Aug. 13, 2024, at the age of 73 after treating and living with cancer for many years beyond the prognosis. 

He is survived by his wife, Yvonne Puffer; daughter Shannon Elwood; brothers Eric Elwood and Stephen Kirk Elwood; and five nieces. 

Sean was born in Pullman, Wash., to John R. Elwood and Karen Hardin Elwood. He received a BFA at Washington State University in 1973, earned a Max Beckman Scholarship for a year-long painting course at the Brooklyn Museum Art School, and an MFA from Hunter College in 1982.

Sean’s passion for the arts and artists touched all who knew him. He worked at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts in New York, co-owned Fuller/Elwood Gallery in Seattle, worked at the Seattle Department of Arts & Cultural Affairs in the ’90s and finally completed his working career at Creative Capital in New York until his retirement in 2017. He launched a nonprofit on the North Fork in 2023 to create programming for artists and arts-interested audiences. 

Contributions to North Fork Contemporary, a cause close to his heart, are appreciated.

This is a paid notice.