Oysterponds News: Volunteer cleanup at Truman’s Beach

Mark your calendars for April 30 for a very worthwhile community event. The Orient-East Marion Park District is organizing a cleanup of Truman’s Beach and the surrounding district grounds surrounding the causeway.
Bring gloves and protective clothing. The committee will supply bags and dispose of the refuse. It will be great exercise and a super way to serve your community.
Kudos to St. Agnes and John’s Place, who opened their doors after their normal season. Since Mother Nature can’t seem to make up her mind what season we’re battling, they extended their services through last Tuesday. The season for this homeless shelter usually ends April 1. WTG, folks, for your continuing compassion.
Congratulations to George and Barbara Koch, who welcomed their first grandchild. Andrew Michael Leonard, son of Andrea and Dave Leonard, was born March 30 in Corona, Calif., weighing in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring 22 inches long. Barbara stayed west to lend a hand. Andrew will be a very lucky baby, with three aunts who can’t wait to spoil him.
Attention OYC members: The annual spring dinner is Saturday, April 23 — right after you all lend a helping hand at 9 a.m. to open the club for the season. Email OYCSEC@gmail for more details.
The fun and learning continue at Oysterponds School this Friday as students participate in the Reach for the Stars workshops, which include Tinkering, A Taste of Science, Lego Engineers and Fun With Magnets.
Don’t forget the annual Song Swap Saturday night, April 16, at 7 p.m. at Poquatuck Hall. It is a don’t-miss event and should be a “sold out” affair. Be there on time; $10 a seat at the door.
Did you know free movies are shown every Thursday at 6 p.m. at our Floyd Memorial Library? Add that to yoga, book discussions and support groups and it is definitely the place to visit. Go to floydmemoriallibrary.org to see all that’s happening there.
At 10 a.m. Saturday morning the East Marion Community Association will host captains Rich Jensen and Joe Angevine, who will talk about 40 years of fishing the local waters. The program is at the firehouse; come at 9:30 for coffee and goodies.
The Rotary Clubs of the North Fork have always been great resources for good causes in our community. The annual chicken and ribs fundraising dinner is set for Tuesday, April 26, at the Soundview. Call Walter Krupski at 631-566 2823 for complete details.
On Sunday, April 24, Freddie Wachsberger will lecture about her recent book, “In Her Own Name,” the history of William Steeple Davis’ mother, Jane Hubbard. The place is Poquatuck Hall and time is 3 p.m. All are welcome.
As we all know, we are a “small town.” When you live in a small town, everyone has an opinion and a story (including me, of course) and normally at least one person has something negative to say. I found the exception. Never once did I EVER hear anything but positive things about Orienteer Jane Smith. She was a total class act and completely selfless. She loved her family and her friends and her community. She brought music and culture to our village. There will be a memorial service at Poquatuck Hall this Sunday, April 17, at 3 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in her memory to Oysterponds Community Activities, Box 34, Orient or the Peconic Community School, 269 Main Road, Aquebogue 11931. We all extend our sympathy to her children, Steve, Linda and Andy, on her April 3 passing. Godspeed, Jane. I hope there is a Fazioli piano for you to play in heaven.
The deadline for the next column is April 24 (published the 28th). It will be written by my daughter, Sarah, who will pen her annual Mother’s Day column then, since the one after that won’t appear until May 12. You can send news to me ( I’ll share with her) or email her directly at [email protected]. For those newbies out there, when Sarah was in fourth grade she decided her Mother’s Day present to me would be to relieve me of the burden of my deadline. That was 22 years ago and the tradition continues.
Photo: Truman’s Beach. (Credit: Cyndi Murray, file)
Contact Oysterponds columnist Carol Gillooly at [email protected] or 323-3899.