Real Estate Transfers: August 24, 2023
Listings prepared for Times Review Media Group by Suffolk Vision Inc., dated July 7, 2023.
- Lorraine Miller to Snieguole Furajeviene & Aiste Furajevaite, 2003 Bluffs Drive South (600-11.02-1-139) (R) $572,500
- Estate of Gloria Silverman to Leon & Diane Gaudiosi, 76 Golden Spruce Drive (600-80.01-1-53) (R) $605,000
- Gerald & Helene Tallo Family Trust to Michael & Victoria Cavaliere, 114 Golden Spruce Drive (600-80.01-1-7) (R) $600,000
- Rimor Development LLC to Alice Bergerac, 50 Harvest Pointe Lane (1000-102.01-2-46) (R) 985,000
- Rimor Development LLC to Alyson Nelson & Felicia Olt, 42 Harvest Pointe Lane (1000-102.01-2-42) (R) $980,000
- Dahlia Shtayyeh & Jacob Couchara to Jessica McCaffrey, 1305 Pequash Avenue, (1000-103-7-18) (R) $975,000
- Jon & Sheila Baker to Nicholas Panagakos & Britney Nappe, 160 Baldwin Place, (1000-103-10-5) (R) $860,000
- Daniel & Meredith Higgins to Gilles Bransbourg, 2150 The Long Way (1000-30-2-125)(R) $1,500,000
- Lara McNeil to Jacob Frazer, 321 2nd Street (1001-4-6-17) (R) $850,000
- Loretta McKnight to 67 Sound Cheshire LP, 520 Madison Avenue (1001-4-1-7) (R) $725,000
- Paul & Christina DiNizio to Pipes Cove Greenport LLC, 220 6th Street (1001-7-2-3) (R) $625,000
- Jean McGee to 760 Washington Ave LLC, 760 Washington Avenue (1000-41-1-34) (R) $600,000
- Cioffi Family Trust to John & Mary Olsen, 107 Scenic Lake Drive (600-82.02-1-107) (R) $597,000
- Scott Miller to Jeffery & Shannon Bradley, 88 Mulberry Commons (600-109.01-1-88) (R) $399,999
- Jorge Velasquez to Full Send Holdings LLC, 501 Northville Turnpike (600-127-2-10) (R) $307,501
- Miles Paszek to Saw Brothers Homes LLC, 1035 West Street (600-124-1-15) (R) $272,000
• Estate of Charles Murray to Real Friends of SI LLC, 10 North Midway Road (700-15-2-43) (R) $1,100,000
- Emory M. Breiner to Christopher Glasser, 8 Hilo Drive (700-14-2-31.003) (V) $600,000
SOUTHOLD (11971)
- Angela Chiu & Seth Haber to Spencer Weinman & Madison Brown, 3075 Lighthouse Road (1000-50-3-2) (R) $1,525,000
- Castelforte LLC to Martin Beller & Jill Grinberg, 380 Private 27 Road (1000-78-7-32.002) (R) $1,355,000
- Eileen Zakarin to Scott & Janine Friedman, 1805 Parkway(1000-70-11-21) (R) $902,000
- Joseph & Antoinette Cassidy to Jeffrey & Elisabeth Samuels, 855 Gagens Landing Road (1000-70-10-31) (R) $855,000
- Peconic Vineyards Realty Inc to Aileen & Alexis Reed, 46925 Route 25 (1000-69-5-16) (R) $815,140
- Robert & Johanna Boergesson Trust to Jose Pirir, 670 Seawood Drive (1000-79-8-11) (R) $700,000
- Estate of Edward Erdman to Victor & Maude Schwartz, 145 Custer Avenue (1000-70-8-27) (R) $620,000
- Kathleen Nickles to WH Crumb LLC & Glen Road Tackle Inc, 350 Arshamomaque Avenue (1000-66-2-52) (V) $275,000
- Francis & Rosanne Modugno to Leigh & Hardy Harrell, 73 Farm Road North (600-57-1-14.077) (R) $715,000
- Anthony Denimarck & Kerri Hughes to Erich & Keri Schweikert, 156 Dogwood Drive (600-72-1-19.002) (R) $573,000
(Key: Tax map numbers = District-Section-Block-Lot; (A) = agriculture; (R) = residential; (V) = vacant property; (C) = commercial; (R&E) = recreation & entertainment; (CS) = community services; (I) = industrial; (PS) = public service; (P) = park land; as determined from assessed values in the current tax rolls.)