
‘Southold Salutes’ banner campaign begins this spring

This spring, retired and active-duty military, reserve and National Guard members will begin watching over downtown Southold, thanks to the launch of a new campaign to honor locals who have served their country with banners displayed in the hamlet.

The driving force behind the effort is Rose Anasagasti and the Auxiliary of Griswold Terry Glover American Legion Post 803 — which partnered with Southold Town on the project, dubbed “Southold Salutes.”

About a year ago, after fielding frequent questions about a military banner program in Southold, Town Clerk Denis Noncarrow picked up the phone. Similar campaigns have been initiated on behalf of local military members in Riverhead and other Long Island municipalities.

“There were a lot of people expressing interest in it,” he said. “I reached out to Rose and the auxiliary and boy, they really made it happen. Between building the website and putting all the nuts and bolts together, there was a lot to it. [The effort was] so impressive.

“Thanking the folks that put on a uniform for all of us is a priority for our town,” Mr. Noncarrow said. “It has been a pleasure to see ‘Southold Salutes’ become a reality with my friends from the Southold American Legion Auxiliary.”

Ms. Anasagasti, whose father served in the U.S. Air Force, said that she’s thrilled that the new program will spotlight residents in the Southold area who serve or have served their country.

“We need to honor our veterans and care about that service that they provided — that’s been giving us freedoms for years and years,” Ms. Anasagasti said.

Ms. Anasagasti said she contacted the Southold Village Merchants, run by sisters Carol Scott and Joan Tyrer, who own shops in the hamlet and often use the light poles along Main Road for community advertising. She asked if the “Southold Salutes” banners could be displayed on the poles from Memorial Day through Veterans’ Day, and she said the group was happy to help.

Griswold Terry Glover post commander David DeFriest said the inaugural banner in the new program will salutes George Robert Sullivan, who was awarded the Navy Cross — the country’s second-highest military decoration — as a Marine during the Vietnam War when his left leg was amputated after being hit by enemy fire. Mr. Sullivan, who served for years as Southold Town tax receiver,  passed away in 2020 at the age of 75.

“It is a great tribute to memorialize a Southold Vietnam war hero and former community elected official,” Mr. DeFriest said. “I feel it is proper and important that George Robert Sullivan be the first veteran to be selected and honored in the Southold Salutes Banner Program.”

Each banner honors a specific individual with their name, photograph and branch of service. The program is limited to either military personnel who are Southold residents, or the relative of a Southold resident, Ms. Anasagasti said, “but for the most part, right now they’re all locals.”

Ms. Anasagasti said that 16 of the 28 available banners — 19-by-37 inches — are already spoken for, but that the application process will re-open each year, so new banners can be sponsored. Existing banners may also be cycled into the rotation depending on public response to the program. Before submitting an application, banner sponsors must contact the auxiliary at [email protected], she said. The cost to sponsor a banner is $225.