Community Calendar: Feb. 29, 2024

All ages
Friday, March 1, 6-8 p.m.: Game night and spaghetti dinner hosted by First Universalist Church of Southold at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 768 Main St., Greenport. Bring a board game or play one provided by the church. Free dinner. 50/50 raffle. Information: [email protected], 631-765-3494.
The arts and crafts
Friday, March 1, 4-7 p.m.: Gallery reception for fourth annual MLK Portrait Project, an artistic community project with local high schools to celebrate Black History Month, at East End Arts and Music School, 141 East Main St., Riverhead. Information:
Wednesday and Thursday, March 13 and 14, noon-8 p.m.: 69th annual Corned Beef and Cabbage (or flounder) lunch or dinner sponsored by East End Lions at Alize Brewing Co., 10560 Main Road, Mattituck. Proceeds and raffles support local high school scholarships, sight-related work and charitable community causes. Takeout available. Tickets: $30, available at the door or by calling Shelley 631-734-6742 or Lydia 631-734-5897.
Thursday, Feb. 29, 6:30-8 p.m.: Environmental Justice Is Civil Rights: Long Island Retrospective presented by Brookhaven NAACP at Suffolk County Historical Society Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Free, registration required: 631-727-2881, ext. 100 or
Thursday, Feb. 29, 7-8:30 p.m.: Zoom presentation on Southold Town’s deer management program hosted by North Fork Audubon Society with Deer Management Task Force members, town officials and environmental analysts. Learn about the scope of the deer problem in Southold, methods for controlling deer and recent legislation signed by Gov. Hochul to help combat it. Register:
Local history
Friday, March 1, 11 a.m.: Mattituck-Laurel Historical Society lecture: Story of the Local Native Americans by Ephram Horowitz at Southold Town Senior Services, 750 Pacific St., Mattituck. Information: [email protected].
Thursday, March 14, 6 p.m.: Mattituck-Laurel Historical Society lecture: First Railroad to Greenport – 1844 by Don Fisher at the Veterans Memorial Park Community Room, 11280 Peconic Bay Blvd., Mattituck. Information: [email protected].
Thursday, Feb. 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m.: Hallockville Rug Hooking Group meeting in Hallockville Museum Farm’s Hudson-Sydlowski House classroom, 6038 Sound Ave,. Riverhead. Information:
Thursday, March 7, 6 p.m.: Mattituck Park District Board of Commissioners work session at Veterans Memorial Park Community Room, 11280 Peconic Bay Blvd., Mattituck.
Saturday, March 2, 3 p.m.: Duo Tufekcic Viola and Guitar Concert with Ewa Tufekcic and Daniel Conant at Floyd Memorial Library, Greenport. Free. Information: 631-477-0660.
Sunday, March 3, 2 p.m.: Perfect Combination: A Tribute to the Legends, at Mattituck-Laurel Library with Donna Lee and Kenny performing a tribute to legendary artists including Barbra Streisand, Patsy Cline, Billy Joel, Donna Summer and more. Free. Information: 631-298-4134.
The natural world
Friday, March 1, 10 a.m.: Winter Watershed Walk hosted by Peconic Baykeeper and Peconic Estuary Partnership at Wolf Preserve, 11613 Main Bayview Road, Southold. All ages welcome. Registration required: [email protected] or [email protected].
Thursday-Sunday, March 7-9: Southold Jr.-Sr. High School Drama Club presents ‘Mean Girls’ at the high school, 420 Oaklawn Ave., Southold. Adults, $12; students and seniors, $8. Showtimes: March 7-9, 7 p.m.; March 10, 2 p.m.
Fridays-Sundays, March 8-24: ‘The Father’ by Florian Zeller at North Fork Community Theatre, 12700 Old Sound Ave., Mattituck. Featuring an exhibition of artwork by award-winning animation filmmaker and painter Cynthia Wells. Showtimes: Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2:30 p.m. Free pre-show reception opening night at 7 p.m. Tickets: $30. Information and tickets:, 631-298-6328.
Ongoing events
Fridays and Sundays: Roller skating at Greenport American Legion, 102 Third St. All-ages All Skate: Fridays, 3-9-p.m. and Sundays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Admission: $10, includes skates; $5, spectators.
Wednesdays, 5-9 p.m.: Adult skate for ages 18 and up at Greenport American Legion, 102 Third St. Admission: $10, includes skates; $5, spectators.
Tuesdays, noon-3:30 p.m.: Bingo at Southold American Legion, 51655 Main Road. 631-765-2276.
Saturdays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Docent-led tours at Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead. Tickets: $15, adults; $10, seniors and children. 631-298-5292,
Saturdays, 7 p.m.-midnight: Stargazing at Custer Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold, weather permitting. Suggested donation: adults, $5; under 12, $3. 631-765-2626,
Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.: Blacksmithing demonstrations with Tom Barry at Village Blacksmith Shop, 101 Front St., Greenport. 631-477-2100,
Through February: Good Ground Artists group show at Mattituck-Laurel Library. Information: 631-298-4134.
Through February: In the Mind’s Eye, work by Glenn McNab, Martine Abitbol and Gabriella Picone at Cut-ch-ogue New Suffolk Free Library. 631-734-6360.
Through March: Good Ground Artists group show at Southold Free Library. Information: 631-765-2077.
Through October: A Sportsman’s Paradise: Man and Nature in Suffolk County’s Past at Suffolk County Historical Society Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Assortment of hunting equipment, hand-carved decoys, duck boats, fishing gear, themed toys, clothing, magazines and more. 631-727-2881,
Wednesdays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.: Suffolk County: A Timeline Experience at Suffolk County Historical Society Museum, 300 West Main St., Riverhead. Interactive exhibit of artifacts, documents, photos and digital experiences provides a comprehensive timeline of Suffolk County history. 631-727-2881,
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